Jo Polack Studio Gallery

A refreshing opportunity to see artist in action and browse their finished work in one place. It is a working Studio all year round: I invariably have several works in progress on the go.

An historic building in St Agnes that has seen many uses and now provides a wonderful space for me to create and share my art.

It is open to the public: Welcome! Take as little, or as much time as you like in here, chatting and sharing my creative response to our marine environment; vibrant underwater Cornish reefs, shimmering shoals, intricate seaweed studies, celebrations of the rockpool ecosystem.

Prints, greeting cards, tea towels, tote bags from my textile mixed media designs can be purchased alongside the original artwork.

The Creative Courtyard is often open as a space for all to Drop in and Draw.

Scroll down for a virtual visit to Jo Polack Studio Gallery

 Click Artworks to see look at Originals and prints more closely